In 2015, the FDA named FQAD in response to the amount of disabling adverse effects. FQAD stands for Fluoroquinolone Associated Disability. The FDA organized the “constellation of disabling symptoms” into categories and created the criteria for FQAD.


•   Must have caused a substantial disruption of a person's ability to conduct normal life functions.

•   Must have adverse events reported from two or more of the following body systems:

•   Musculoskeletal

•   Neuropsychiatric 

•   Peripheral Nervous System,

•   Senses (vision, hearing, etc.)

•   Skin

•   Cardiovascular

•   The adverse events must last 30 days or longer after stopping the fluoroquinolone.

•   The person must be reported to be previously healthy before taking the fluoroquinolone antibiotic

•   Think you might have FQAD, take a look at Dr. Pieper’s FQAD Questionnaire from his website in German