Healing begins with connection. Here is my story. I want to hear your story, too.

“Until there’s nothing left.”

- Talia

My name is Talia Smith. I lived an active and healthy lifestyle until April 2021, when I took an antibiotic that destroyed my body and my life.

I was diagnosed with a simple Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) and was prescribed Ciprofloxacin from the class of fluoroquinolone antibiotics. My prescriber told me that this medication was safe and effective and was used all the time. After three pills, I was unable to walk and ended up in the hospital’s emergency room. Not understanding what was wrong with me, I went from only going to the doctor for my annual visit to becoming a frequent flyer in the hospital. I was in the emergency room multiple times a month, at doctors’ appointments every week, and I was admitted three times. I was, and still am, suffering from almost 100 different symptoms, some of which include, 24/7 entire body pain, peripheral neuropathy, tremors, spasms, twitches, difficulty swallowing (including choking on my own saliva), muscle wasting and atrophy, allergic reactions, vision changes; the list is seemingly endless. I was unable to eat due to allergic reactions and lost over 50 percent of my body weight.

Ultimately, I was sent home on hospice, weighing 60 pounds in September 2021. I realized early on that I was floxed, but I didn’t know I had developed Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS). By a miracle, I survived and it took me a while to figure out the differences between being floxed and MCAS. It also took me a while to learn how to survive with both.

After 9 months on Hospice, I was transferred to Pallative Care, which I am currently on. I still require 24/7 care for my survival. From my hospital bed, I have dedicated my life to being an advocate for Fluoroquinolone Toxicity awareness (as well as MCAS).

My goal is to take what I’ve learned from this life altering experience to help others that are going through the same thing. You are not alone. I want to provide the public with all the knowledge they need in order to make informed healthcare decisions for themselves.